Gavin Tan
Senior Manager, Airport Programs
Field of expertise:
Safety, airport and flight operations, web and IT tools
Gavin joined the CAC in March 2018. He is responsible for providing project management and communications support to CAC senior staff in support of the organization’s committees and government affairs initiatives. In addition, Gavin manages the association’s internal web site for committee documents and coordination of projects such as the Canadian Airports National Audit Program (CANAP).
Previously Gavin worked as an assistant manager, Flight Data Analysis (FDA) and Flight Data Exchange (FDX) at the International Air Transport Association (IATA). He was responsible for running the Flight Data Exchange (FDX) program, allowing identification of commercial flight safety issues. Some of his duties included liaising with regional offices and airlines to ensure they were contributing data on a regular basis and validating events generated from flight data.
Gavin graduated from Cranfield University, UK with a master’s degree in Air Transport Management and has a bachelor’s degree in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Hertfordshire, UK.